本学期我担任七年级两个班英语教学任务,为了能圆满、顺利的完成初一英语(上)的教学任务,特拟订本学期教学计划。 学生基本情况分析:我教的七年级两个班的学生基本情况为,精神面貌较好,但行为习惯不好,有相当一部分学生不会听课、不会记笔记、书写不规范、有的26个英文字母也不会说或书写,小学英语基础参差不齐,这给今后的教学带来了很大困难。 教材分析:本学期教材是外研版英语七年级上。共14个模块,其中预备级4个模块,教材10个模块,再加两个复习模块,时间紧任务重,只有科学、合理的安排教学时间,才能顺利的完成任务。 ◆ Starter 1 My teacher and my friends Letters; How are you? What’s your name? I’m…(My name is…) ◆ Starter 2 My classroom and my body What’s this in English? It’s a\an… Numbers(1----10) How many are there? How many desks are there? ◆ Starter 3 (1) Adjective blue black green red yellow white (2) Verb be(am is are) (3) Sentences:What colour is…? What colour are…? How do you spell…? Where’s…? Where are…? What’s your favourite food? ◆ Starter 4 Activities and the weather I can do… I can’t do… Can you do…? Yes, I can. / No,I can’t. What’s the weather like in summer? I like doing sth. 教材模块: M odule1 Nice to meet you. (1) giving personal information (2) present simple be (am,is,are) Module2 Me, my parents and my friends (1) talking about what you can do (2) can\can’t, this and these Module3 My new school (1) describing a new school (2) there is\there are; prepositions of place possessive adjectives; possessive’ Module4 My family (1) describing families (2) have\hasgot (affirmative,negative,interrogative) Module5 Healthy food (1) talking about one’s favourite food (2) some and any; singular and plural nouns Revision module a Module 6 An invitation to the cinema (1) making and accepting invitations (2) prepositions of time and place Module7 My school day (1) talking about routines (2) present simple i, you,we,they; prepositions of time at, in,on. Module8 Different habits present simple he,she,it; adverbs of frequency; possessive adjectives Module9 A trip to the zoo (1) talking about one’s favourite animal (2) present simple questions Module10 Computers (1)describing a process (2)wh-questions in present simple Revision module b 教学时间安排: 1---4周 预备级( 18课时) 5周 Module 1 6周 阶段复习及测试 7----10周 Module2---Revision module b 11周 阶段复习及期中考试 12---15周 Module 6---8 16周 阶段复习及测试 17—19周 Module 9---Revision b 20周-----期末 全面复习,迎接期末考试 教学设想: (1)采用“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式,培养学生自主学习的习惯,为终身学习打下坚实的基础; (2)发挥集体备课的有效性,备课时要脑中有“纲”、胸中有“标”、腹中有“书”、目中有“人”、心中有“法”、手中有“技”。一忌照抄教学参考书,二忌照搬自己和他人用过的教案; (3)认真钻研教材,备好,上好每一节课,向45分钟要质量。 (4)课堂上多使用英语以及直观教具,给学生创造良好的教学环境。 (5)每单元测试一次,试卷全收全改,做好讲评工作。 (6) 提高学生的学习兴趣,发挥学生的主观能动性。 (7)积极进行教学改革,提高教学质量。